Membership Committee Chair: Sue Angle.
Tel: 941-350-9784
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
CLICK HERE TO DISPLAY AN ONLINE FORM – once completed either:
(i) save it and attach it to an email to Sue Angle who will contact you directly
(ii) print it and send it by post to Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Blvd of the Arts, Sarasota, Florida 34236 together with check
Is a member-supported, 501(c) (3) non- profit educational organization. Our display gardens are open all year and FREE to the public. Both functional and ornamental, it continues to be maintained and expanded through volunteer commitment by members of the Sarasota Garden Club. Our Historic, Sarasota School of Architecture building, now on the Sarasota Historic Registry is also supported by our members and community sponsors. We are dedicated to fulfilling the community’s need for information, education and inspiration concerning the art and science of gardening as well as the preservation and improvement of our local environment.
As a member of the Garden Club, you join a family of people who share your love of gardening and support our educational mission.
Enjoy these Membership Benefits:
- Unlimited access to our Botanical Gardens for You, Your Family & Friends
Special Members-Only events throughout the Year - Membership in the National Garden Clubs, Inc,
Deep South Region of NGC, Inc.,
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. - Nationally Accredited Educational Schools on Floral Design, Landscape Design, Environmental & Garden Study opportunities
- Subscription to The Florida Gardener Magazine,
Exclusive SGC Monthly “Blooming Chatter” newsletter,
Information & Opportunities to enjoy Statewide Sponsored Events - Floral Design Workshops, Lectures, Flower Show, Horticultural Workshops & Florida Friendly Programs
- Access to SGC’s comprehensive Botanical Library
- Discounts at several Garden Centers and Nurseries
- Discounted Tour Tickets to “Gardens in Paradise” and other SGC fundraising events
- Discounted Rental Rate for use of SGC Facility (after 1 year)
- Travel Opportunities