SGC – “Pop-Up” Flower Show

Event Details

This year’s SGC Flower Show will be an NGC (National Garden Club) “Small Standard Show” with a Mardi Gras theme.

Small Standard Flower Shows require three (3) classes of Design with a minimum of four (4) exhibits in each class. (A Standard Flower Show requires five (5) classes of Design with a minimum of four (4) exhibits in each class). Exhibits are judged using the principals and elements of design and using the Scales of Points listed in the Handbook for Flower Shows, 2017 Edition with revisions listed on the NGC website.

The Club has created a series of informational announcements and Educational events leading up to this Flower Show, so that members who are unfamiliar with what is involved with such an event, can better understand how to get involved and learn to compete successfully.  These are:

Read all about last year’s Ghostly Gala Flower Show (click on the image for even more information).